Exploring Midjourney for Iconography Generation

Hey there, fellow AI content creators! Today, I want to take you on a journey through my first experience with Midjourney, a tool I hoped would revolutionize the way I create iconography for my projects. Buckle up as I share the highs, the lows, and everything in between!

It all started when my team jumped into the hackathon arena with a project concept aimed at delving into the realms of AI, exploring how it could supercharge our efficiency and streamline our workflow. Enter Midjourney – my ticket to crafting sleek, professional vector line icons that would seamlessly complement our project. Excited and armed with ambition, I dove in headfirst, eager to unleash my creativity. With visions of perfectly crafted icons dancing in my head, I got to work.

As I attempted to bring my ideas to life, I found myself stumbling over the nuances of the art of writing prompts. What I envisioned as a straightforward process quickly turned into a game of trial and error. Adjusting terms, tweaking parameters, and experimenting with different styles left me feeling more frustrated than inspired. At first, I tried to create an icon like what one would see in an icon set, even using the phrase “in the style of Google Material icons,” with little success.

I did some research into how to craft better prompts. From there, I added terms such as “white background” or “no background” to get one step closer to my goal. I also figured out how to generate a set of icons within a permutation. However, I still wasn’t getting the kind of output I had envisioned.

At this point, I realized that true iconography would be difficult to create with Midjourney as it is today. I pivoted and experimented with creating avatars for user profiles instead. Unfortunately, most of the outputs had minor flaws that made them unusable. Midjourney lacks a way to specify what aspect of the output doesn’t meet expectations, which makes it difficult to fine-tune the output.

Somewhere in the project, a teammate suggested building in an AR feature like Pokemon Go. I experimented further with generating a mountain goat character that could be used in this way. Similarly to the previous attempts, there were always some minor flaw in anatomy or physics that made the results just every so slightly…wrong.

Despite my best efforts, the output fell short of my expectations. The icons lacked the polish and precision I had envisioned, failing to capture the essence of our project. With the hackathon deadline looming, I faced a dilemma: stick with the original concept and present an inferior result or explore alternative avenues.

In the end, I made the tough decision to put Midjourney on pause and explore other options. While the tool showed promise, I realized that mastering it would require more time and practice than I had anticipated. As much as I wanted to be a Midjourney whiz overnight, I had to acknowledge my limitations and prioritize the needs of our project.

Now, you might be thinking, "Well, that's a bummer. Midjourney sounded like the perfect solution!" And you know what? It still might be – for someone with more experience or a bit more time on their hands. My journey with Midjourney wasn't a failure; it was a learning experience.

As creators, we're constantly faced with challenges that push us out of our comfort zones. Sometimes we stumble, and that's okay. What matters is how we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and keep moving forward.

So, am I giving up on Midjourney? Absolutely not. I'm just hitting pause for now, knowing that when the time is right, I'll return with newfound knowledge and a fresh perspective. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day, and great icons aren't crafted instantaneously (yet).

To all my fellow creators out there, I encourage you to embrace the journey – bumps and all. Whether you're experimenting with new tools, tackling unfamiliar projects, or simply pushing your own boundaries, remember that every experience is an opportunity to grow.

Until next time, keep creating, keep exploring, and never be afraid to venture into the unknown. Who knows? You might just discover something amazing along the way. Cheers to the next chapter in our creative journeys – wherever they may lead!


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